MesoAroma Essential, Anti Aging & Skin Tightening Product description
DMAE reduces the appearance of fine lines and acts as a wrinkle cure since it fosters the production of acetylcholine, a chemical that creates muscle tone. More muscle tone beneath the face results in tighter, smoother skin. DMAE supplements increase the amount of acetylcholine the body produces. Extra acetylcholine is especially helpful when supplies of acetylcholine naturally diminish as the body ages. DMAE is also used for its antioxidant properties, membrane stabilization and inhibition and repair of the cross-linking’s between proteins clearly involved in the phenomena of ageing. This enhances the maintenance of collagen and elastin and slows the dermis ageing. DMAE causes a visible “lifting effect”. This tightening effect can be visible as early as 20 to 30 minutes of product application on the skin.
Dimenylaminoethanol Bitartrate,
Sodium Chloride,
Sodium Hidroxide.
Reduces fine lines,
Biolifting skin,
Product code
5ml Vial x 20 Vials